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{% assign is_active = false %} {% assign item_info = item | split:'_' %} {% assign flsaleid = item_info[0] %} {% assign is_active = item_info[1] %} {% assign _handle = item_info[2] %} {% assign quantity = item_info[3] %} {% assign sl_sold = item_info[4] %} {% assign discount_f = item_info[5] %} {% assign progress = quantity | minus: sl_sold | times: 100 | divided_by: quantity %} {% assign product = collections.all.products[_handle] %} {% assign list_tag = collections.all.products[_handle].tags %} {% assign product_price = product.variants.first.price %} {% assign on_sale = true %} {% if product.variants.first.compare_at_price > 0 and product.variants.first.compare_at_price > product.variants.first.price%} {% assign product_price = product.variants.first.compare_at_price %} {% endif %} {% assign price_sale = 0 %} {% if 100 >= discount_f %} {% assign discount_percent = discount_f %} {% assign percent_after = 100 | minus: discount_percent %} {% assign price_sale = product_price | times: percent_after | divided_by:100 %} {% else %} {% assign discount = discount_f | times: 100 %} {% assign discount_percent = discount | divided_by: product_price | times: 100 | round: 0%} {% assign price_sale = product_price | minus: discount%} {% endif %} {%- if product -%} <div class=" col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6 pro-loop"> <style> .best { top: 40px!important; margin: 0; background: #fff!important; color: #000!important; border: 1px solid #000; } </style> <div class="product-block product-resize item product-item product-sale-ldp product-fl" data-anmation="{{forloop.index}}" data-id="{{flsaleid}}"> <div class="product-img"> <div class="product-sale"> <span class="percent">{% if is_active != false and price_sale != 0 %}{{ discount_percent }}{%else%}?{%endif%}</span> <span class="txt">%</span> </div> {% if best %}<div class="product-sale best"><span>BEST</span></div>{% endif %} {% if sold_out %}<div class="sold-out"><span>Hết hĂ ng</span></div>{% endif %} {% if 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hideNumberCheck = hideNumber | slice: 0 %} {% endif %} {% assign hideNumberApp = hideNumber | replace_first: hideNumberCheck, '?' %} <span class="{{price_sale}}">{{ price_sale | money | replace_first: hideNumber, hideNumberApp }}</span> <span class="pro-price-del">{% if on_sale %}<del class="compare-price">{{ product_price | money}}</del>{% endif %}</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="starbaprv-widget starbaprv-preview-badge starbaprv-preview-badge--with-link" data-id="{{}}" data-url="{{product.handle}}"> {% if product.metafields.starbap['starbaprv.badge']%} {{product.metafields.starbap['starbaprv.badge']}} {% endif %} </div> {%else%} <div class="box-pro-detail"> <h3 class="pro-name"> <a href="{{product.url}}" title="{{product.title}}"> {{ product.title }} </a> </h3> <div class="box-pro-prices"> <p class="pro-price {% if on_sale %}highlight{% endif %} "> <span>{{ product.variants.first.price | money }}</span> <span class="pro-price-del">{% if on_sale %}<del class="compare-price">{{ product.variants.first.compare_at_price | money}}</del>{% endif %}</span> </p> <div class="inventory-product"> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar__wrapper flash-sale-progress-bar__wrapper--home-page"> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar flash-sale-progress-bar--home-page"> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar__text">{% if 0 >= progress %}ChĂ¡y hĂ ng{% else %}{%if 40 > progress %}Sắp chĂ¡y hĂ ng{% else %}ÄĂ£ bĂ¡n {{sl_sold}}{% endif %}{% endif %}</div> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar__complement-wrapper flash-sale-progress-bar__complement-wrapper--home-page"> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar__complement-sizer flash-sale-progress-bar__complement-sizer--home-page" style="{% if sl_sold == 0 %}width: 100%;{% else %}width: {{progress}}%{% endif %}"> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar__complement-color"></div> </div> </div> <div class="flash-sale-progress-bar__fire"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="starbaprv-widget starbaprv-preview-badge 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